The Chalukyas and Pallavas
Q.1. Why did the strong empire of Harshavardhana disappear soon after his death?
Q.2. What was the period of rule of the early Chalukyas?
Q.3. What was the period of rule of the later Chalukyas?
Q.4. Who was the first great ruler of the early Chalukyas and when he ascended to the throne?
Q.5. Who was the most famous ruler of the Chalukyan Dynasty?
Q.6. Who were the main enemies of the Chalukyas?
Q.7. Who was the last Chalukyan King?
Q.8. Pulakesin II ruled over areas between which two rivers?
Q.9. Pulakesin II exchanged ambassadors with whom?
Q.10. People of which religion were allowed to settle in the kingdom of Chalukyas?
Q.11. Which is the holy book of Zoroaster?
Q.12. Name some important temples built by Chalukya rulers?
Q.13. Which temple is the best specimen of the Chalukya architecture?
Q.14. Which inscription shows a flood of light on the Chalukyan dynasty?
Q.15. What was the origin of the Pallavas?
Q.16. Which was the capital of the Pallavas?
Q.17. Who were the greatest rulers of the Pallava dynasty?
Q.18. Who took the title of ‘Vatapikonda’?
Q.19. Who brought down the dynasty of the Pallavas?
Q.20. Mahendra Varman converted himself from which religion to which?
Q.21. Narsimhavarman-I laid the foundation of which city?
Q.22. Who was the first southern ruler to build rock cut temples?
Q.23. Name the most famous temples built by Pallava Kings?
Q.24. Temples during Pallavas and Chalukyas acted as centers of what?
Q.25. Which saints popularized the singing of religious hymns at temples?
Q.26. Which form of worship is called bhakti?
Q.27. The worshipers of Vishnu were called what under bhakti?
Q.28. The worshipers of Shiva were called what under bhakti?
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